Wilseyville Library

Project Manager:  Dee Middleton

Located in the historic Wilseyville lumber camp, the Wilseyville Library is primarily a children and adult classics library; however, offers many activities, including lectures, workshops, daytime retreats, weekly reading sessions for children and seniors, genealogy research, help with resumes and letter writing, and other community services.


In the old days, pioneer women identified three essential components for a thriving community: churches, schools and libraries. In fact, the early pioneers in our neighboring township of Volcano boasted the establishment of California's very first library. In that same tradition, the township of Wilseyville now has its own library as part of its community renewal and development process and it's called the Wilseyville Library and Community Museum (WeLCoMe).

Its motto, fashioned after that of the National Mortar Board Society for college and university honor students, is "Reading is Leading."...

WLCM has its non-profit status through the Blue Mountain Community Renewal Council. The library is housed in a little cottage located in the historic Wilseyville lumber camp, #1 on the right. It is unique in that it is primarily a children and adult classics library; however, its shelves also contain many books on poetry, biographies, geography, and history.

The library provides a warm and cozy atmosphere for its patrons ages 3 to 103. The library is a learning center for our community; and as it becomes more established, will offer many activities, including lectures, workshops, daytime retreats, weekly reading sessions for children and seniors, genealogy research, help with resumes and letter writing, and other community services.For more information, please visit the Wilseyville Library and Community Museum Website.

Wilseyville Library Website

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